e-Learning Center

This e-learning center, established in NTI, adds a new dimension to education and training programs. This center can provide educational and training programs via Internet to participants in dispersed places. The center provides a new learning environment where participants can share the scientific material at the same time from anywhere.

It also introduces interactive learning programs to participants at different times and different places according to participants needs. This is also called "virtual class".

This center can support several programs simultaneously due to high capacity storage units and specialized databases containing different educational and training programs; more than 1000 trainees can participate in learning at the same time.

The learning management system (LMS) of this distance learning center contains participants' registration unit, trainee follow-up and training reports unit, and participants' performance evaluation unit.

The center also includes electronic content development unit with highly qualified trained professionals for the purpose of developing the educational and training material in multimedia and interactive electronic format. This unit is equipped with the latest audio, video and editing tools.